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Quality-driven Software Engineer driven to improve business and customer operations by effectively overseeing all types and sizes of complex...
Seen 26 days ago. Joined 2 years ago
Mobile application developer with 3 years of experience in Flutter development. Led a remote team for one year, gaining expertise in virtual...
Seen 3 months ago. Joined 2 years ago
Results-driven software developer with 4 years of cross-functional experience in Android and iOS development (1 yr). Specializes in designin...
Seen 4 months ago. Joined 4 months ago
I have been working on and created Android applications and I have improved my programming skills since 2014. I am immensely proud and enthu...
Seen 10 months ago. Joined 10 months ago
Committed mobile engineer, developing and maintaining mobile applications for Android, using Java and Kotlin, with knowledge of architecture...
Seen 2 years ago. Joined 2 years ago